From the Publisher’s Pen

Books enlighten the path of struggle in our life. In fact, the core of all religions is various religious books. Those who study books by themselves, they alone are known as great personalities in this world. This is also an undisputed fact that the source of all types of knowledge is in books. Books play a vital role in the decorum of human beings and in educating society and nation.

We often use to discuss and deeply feel about our contribution in giving a concrete direction to the nation. An Artist through his Creations, a Writer through his Writings, a Film maker through his Films and a Scientist through his Inventions, contribute to the formation of society. In this reference, the role of books is also a leading one. Since ages, books have been giving the light of knowledge to students, teachers and everyone.

"Because We believe- The more We share, the more We have."

With the course of time, our social structure has changed and has introduced changes in life style and thinking of people. Generally it is seen that if the books are not published well, they do not leave any effect. Our primary preference is to publish books aesthetically. Every book published by Krishna’s contains required contents of every student. We have taken a pledge to publish good books in the future as well.

As you sow, you reap is a message of God not only for yourself but for the entire society.

Never worry whether people check you or not,
God is always there to watch every human action

That is why, with the contribution of intellectual writers and dedicated members of Krishna Family, we are committed to give something meaningful to the society.

We wish all a bright and prosperous future.

Satyendra Kumar Rastogi
Managing Director
Sugam Rastogi
Executive Director